Mount Magazine
June 2012
The origin of the name Mount Magazine comes in a rather uninspired way. You could also call it uninspired. Seems that in the old days, French explorers were making their way around this area when a landslide occurred. One of the Frenchmen exclaimed, “Great leaping toadstools! That sounds just like an ammunition magazine exploding,” or words to that effect, I wasn’t there, and it was likely in French.
Grands champignons bondissants! Cela ressemble à un chargeur de munitions qui explose.
Based on his reflexive analogy suggesting an ammunition magazine, his buddies then decided to name the mountain Magazine.
What is a “magazine?” In a repeating firearm, it’s a device that stores and feeds unfired ammunition. It may be integral to the firing device or it may be detachable. Some are designed to hold up to 30 rounds but are often legally limited to no more than ten rounds.
So the explorers called the mountain Magazine. It could have been worse. They might have chosen Eruption Mountain, or Mount Kaboom. Actually, Mount Kaboom would be outstanding.