To pursue is to explore, and the first step is to seek the mountain top.
— Benton MacKaye
Benton MacKaye was appreciably influential in promoting wilderness preservation and recreation. He cofounded The Wilderness Society and dreamed up the idea of the Appalachian Trail and tirelessly advocated for its building and preservation. He had a big nose. I like that in a hiker.
Anyway, I have thanked ole MacKaye many times for the A T, as hiking his trail is a hoot and a half. And guess what. The Appalachian Trail takes you up and over, or very near, seven state high points.
But as you know, there are more than seven states. Therefore, there are more than seven high points. Lisa and I are in the midst of hiking to their summits.
These are the stories of our high point adventures. The incidents and adventures that occurred along the way, to be found in High Points.
We have summited 39 state high points, so there are more to come. So c’mon, get high with us.